SAGE Research Methods: Authoritative methods and methodologies

SAGE Research MethodsSAGE Research Methods is a fantastic collection of e-resources that provide authoritative information on how to perform hundreds of research methods, both qualitative and quantitative.

You will find dictionaries and encyclopedias for definitions; books and articles which cover methods in depth; and currently we also have trial access to streaming videos.

We find the Methods Map useful for exploring terms and themes. You can also search for specific methods and methodologies.

If you’re looking for Try
A quick explanation of a term or concept Dictionary or encyclopedia entry
In-depth coverage of a specific aspect of a method Whole books (Little Green and Little Blue Books can be especially useful for method overviews)
In-depth coverage of a specific aspect of a method Book chapters that hone in on that topic
Actual examples of methods applied in real research contexts Journal articles or cases
Sample datasets for hands-on practice or to use in assignments or exams Datasets
Methods in action Video

Refer to this useful guide on the research process or go straight to Sage Research Methods.