Short loan and digitisation requests

During Alert Levels 2 and 3 the library offered digitisation services for our 2-hour short loan collections. As we are no longer at heightened alert levels, we have now ceased this service. If alert levels change, we will resume this offering.

Services at Alert Level 1

Please visit the relevant library and short loan collection to borrow books and copy the chapters you need. Find out about our short loan lending periods.

Click and Deliver (Flexible) Service

If you are a registered Click and Deliver (Flexible) Service student, you can continue to request digitisations of 2-hour short loan items by using the Ask us form. Please include chapter information in your request.

Overseas students

If you are an overseas student, you can request scanned resources by completing the Overseas students request form.

For further information, please Ask us. We are happy to help.