Detail from Cottage on One Tree Hill for Sir John Logan Campbell [Huia Lodge] by C. Arnold (1903). Arnold Abbott Collection (AA7) Architecture Archive, University of Auckland Libraries and Learning Services.
The dwellings depicted in plans, elevations, sections, details, and perspectives range from small Auckland inner city flats through to large, stately homes complete with servants’ quarters in rural Hawke’s Bay. Drawings date from the late 1800s through to 2000 and include works by New Zealand architects MK Draffin, WA Holman, JJ Hackshaw, Nigel Cook, Mike Austin and Simon Twose.
If you’re interested in the architecture and design of New Zealand houses, use the Search Everything option to find related books and articles, e.g., New Zealand domestic architecture.
To view the original drawings held in the Architecture Archive please contact Sarah Cox, Architecture Archivist, to arrange an appointment.
The display runs until early June.
Sarah Cox, Architecture Archivist, Architecture and Planning Library