Altered books: Fine Arts Library Artist Books collection

Terri Moon's artist book Holy Bible: King James Version: Red Letter (2008)

Teri Moon’s Holy Bible: King James Version: Red Letter (2008).

Four sculptural works from the Artist Books collection that explore the book as tangible physical object are currently on display at the Fine Arts Library. These ‘altered books’ look at how the punching of holes and gluing and folding of pages alter and expand the physicality of the book object.

Irresistable Forces (2008) and Holy Bible: King James Version: Red Letter (2008) were made as part of Teri Moon’s Elam fourth year submission. For both works the artist punched holes into each page and reattached the punched letters in a cascading form at the centre.

Runyon on Broadway (2010) and Condensed Book (2010) are part of a project by Katrina van Roon to explore text as a visual language. Through patterns of repetitive folds the artist examines the qualities of the physical book object, the medium’s construction, material qualities and control over the text.

The display closes on Monday 3 December.

Huni Mancini, Library Assistant, Fine Arts Library