
Inclusive Learning for neurodiverse students: New look web pages!

Inclusive Learning Advisers offer specialist support for neurodiverse students. We can help students with specific learning disabilities (i.e., dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia), attention deficit disorders and autism spectrum.

We offer screening and needs-based learning assessments for students with ongoing learning difficulties.

Our services include:

  • Advice on study and learning strategies and resources to support your academic development.
  • Help with seeking assistance from academic staff. For example, we can provide a learning needs memo to share with your lecturers and/or tutors.
  • Advice on an appropriate study workload, such as limited full-time study. See Studylink’s limited full-time application.
  • A peer support group for students with ADHD and a hangout group for autistic students.

Further support

Apply for special conditions through the online application form.

Contact us at for more information. We’d love to hear from you.